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Posted Date: 3/24/25 (4:48 PM)

Miner Bee

Miner Bee Messenger

Weekly Communication for TES Families

March 24, 2025

Superintendent Post

School Climate Surveys - As part of monitoring our Ends Policy goal of fostering a safe and healthy community through “consistent student and staff culture across buildings which supports achieving our ends”, we will have students in grades 3-12, staff, and parents complete the School Climate Assessment Instruments (SCAI) developed and administered by the Alliance for the Study of School Climate (ASSC) in the month of March. The SCAI surveys, which are scientifically developed and third-party administered and analyzed, are rated as one of the most effective school climate tools. Below are the links to the parent survey in both English and Spanish. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, as it provides valuable data on areas of strength and improvement. This survey will be open through the month of March.
Parent Survey - English
Parent Survey - Spanish

John Pandolfo
Telluride R-1 School District


Hello families,
In partnership with your child's school, Tri-County Health Network (TCHNetwork) is pleased to offer Skippy, a school based dental program providing comprehensive oral healthcare to your child at no out of pocket cost to you. Through Skippy we bring dental care to your children so they can spend more time in the classroom and less time traveling to a dentist!

The Skippy dental team provides the following preventive care:
•        Dental Exam
•        X-Rays
•        Fluoride treatment
•        Protective Sealants
•        Cleaning
•        Education to your children about how to brush and floss
•        Free toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
•        If needed, primary restorative care: in the form of Interim Temporary Restorations (ITR) and Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

This convenient dental visit takes about 30-45 minutes and gets your child back in the classroom quickly.

We will begin the elementary school clinic on Wednesday April 2nd, Thursday April 3rd and Friday April 4th.
If you would like to sign your child up, please fill out the consent form by going to This consent is valid for the entire school year, both fall and spring semesters, unless revoked by a parent or guardian. Remember, if you sign up for the fall you are automatically enrolled for the spring semester. For questions, please email

Skippy is offered at no out-of-pocket costs to all families. If you have dental insurance, we will bill for services just like other dental offices. TCHNetwork offers health insurance enrollment assistance if you need insurance.

Daily Attendance Information

Please be sure to send an email or call for attendance related needs. If there are changes with afternoon plans AFTER 2:30 pm, please call the office directly. 970-369-1208

For all other Attendance needs:

TES Attendance Email:

TES Attendance Landline: 970-369-6931

Community/District Info 03.24.25

District Dates:
  • District Accountability – March 24th at 5:15 Bridal Veil/Zoom
  • KOTO Access- March 27th
  • Telluride’s Got Talent – Get Your ACT together! Cash Prices. Auditions March 24th & 25! 

Community Info:
  • Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Fill out the free and reduced lunch form at your school today! Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at

Kim Spaulding
Assistant to the Superintendent/Secretary to the Board

Secure your Summer 2025 programs at a discounted rate!

Local registration discounts end Monday, March 31st!

R-1, RE-2 & R2-JT School District families can receive 30% off camp tuition per student (up to $900) for programs registered for before March 31st with promotional code: sanmiguel25 (case-sensitive)
Don't hesitate to reach out to us about our Non-profit, Healthcare, and Teacher discounts as well!
*Please only take this discount if you need it
*Maximum benefit of $900 per student/summer
*Only families enrolled in the R-1, RE-2 & R2-JT School Districts qualify
Parents looking for additional tuition assistance are welcome to fill out our "Tuition Assistance Application" here.

TES Looking Ahead

Friday, March 28th
  • Deadline For incoming Kindergarten DI intent to commit Form 9am
  • Telluride's Got Talent @ 5:30 Palm Theater
Thursday, April 3rd
  • Last day of Reading Rockets
Friday, April 4th
  • PBIS Beach Party @ 2:30 TES GYM
Monday, April 7th- Friday April 18th
Monday, May 12th
  • Valley Floor Day

Community Events/Flyers:

Kelly T Pic

Contact Information

Telluride Elementary School

Principal: Kelly Treinen
Phone: 970-728-6615