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September 6th Miner Bee Messenger

Posted Date: 9/06/24 (2:38 PM)

Miner Bee
Miner Bee Messenger
Weekly Communication for TES Families
September 6, 2024
Our Miner Bees have had a great week showing what they know! Impressive thinking and working being done at TES!
IMPORTANT Information for After School Pick-up!
Parents with students in afterschool activities or sending someone else to pick up your child:
If your child is in a carpool, your teachers need to know who is picking up your child after school. Please write that on your child's dismissal tag on their backpack or call Erika. We had several students this week that knew someone was picking them up and didn't know who and they were very nervous at the end of the day. If we are unaware of who is picking up your child, we will not release them.

If someone else besides you are picking up your child, you must notify the TES office. Again, if we do not know of the change, we will not release them to this person at the end of the day.

We want to keep all of our students safe. Thank you for your support with this!

Mrs. Treinen
Picture Day flyer
Picture Day!
Attached you will find a PDF of your school’s FALL Picture Day flyer! 
The PDF is hyperlinked, click anywhere on either page and it will take you directly to your school's online ordering event. 
Please be sure to email this PDF to your parents, multiple times if possible! Below you will find a blurb that needs to be sent to your parents with the PDF. 
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
picture option flyers
From the Nurse:
Hello Parents of Kindergarteners and First Graders,
We are fortunate to have this opportunity for a free, high-tech screening by Lions Club KidSight come to our school! The screening will be on Friday, September 20, during school hours. (2nd graders will be screened by traditional means, and do not need to have signed permission forms).  
If you have already signed and returned the permission form, thank you, and please disregard this message. If you do not wish your child to be screened, or your child is already under the care of an eye doctor, please let me know via email ( . 

Please sign this permission form and return to school . You can also email me the signed consent (attached). 
Students who do not have a singed consent will not be able to participate in the screening. 


​​​​​​Michelle St.Onge, RN-BSN
Telluride R-1 School District 
Elementary School Nurse
(970) 369-6930
Explanation of Colorado Lions Club
Consent Form for vision screening
Page 2 of consent form
Skippy Dental
Skippy dental link They are planning to come in October .
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, September 11th
  • Bear Aware Field Trip to WPL (PreK-2)
Wednesday, September 18th
  • School Picture Day
Friday, September 20th
  • 1st and 2nd Grade Vision Screening
Friday, October 18th
  • Trimester 1 ends- Half Day of School for students - dismissal at 12:00
Monday, October 21st
  • Parent Teacher Conferences- No school for students
Monday, October 28th
  • TES Literacy Night @ WPL @5:00
Community Information
Ahaa offerings
AH Haa After school programs
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Inclusion and Belonging Image
Next Miner Bee Messenger: September 6th
Important Parent Links
Kelly T Pic
Contact Information
Telluride Elementary School

Principal: Kelly Treinen
Phone: 970-728-6615