Registration Week
November 4th– 9th
Telski - Ski PE
Registration is Open
Ski Pass depends on the student's age; purchase a ski pass at the local rate at the Telluride Ski Resort website.
Ski PE Program: $300, with a hot lunch option of $75. Register and pay for the program at the Telluride Ski Resort website.
You can register now, or if you applied for a Winter PE Scholarship, you could wait until the Scholarships are awarded on November 1st.
Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club
Registration is Open
All registration, prices, and information can be found on the Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club website.
Once your student is registered through TSSC, there is nothing else you need to do.
Skart - Ice Skating and Mixed Media Art (Maximum Capacity 12)
Cost: $500
Registration will be open on November 4th. All registration and information can be found on the Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club website.
To register for SKART please complete the following steps:
Log in or create an account and add relevant household information.
In your account dashboard find “register” on the left and scroll down for the SKART options.
ClimbSci - The first half of the day at Pinhead learning snow science and concocting some crazy fun experiments. Afternoons will be spent ‘on belay’ at the indoor climbing wall with Telluride Academy (maximum capacity 12)
Cost: $400
Registration and program information can be found on the Telluride Academy website. If your student has yet to participate in a Telluride Academy program this year, there will be a $40 registration fee in addition to the program fee.